'Bringing the World together with Music'

The CWMF Mission Statement

Building on the success and experience gained of the last six festivals, to hold an annual World Music Festival in Clare, to benefit the people of Clare and to promote the town.


The Committee will be a strictly not-for-profit voluntary body incorporated as a company limited by guarantee, responsible for ensuring that funds raised will go to promote future music festivals, and to the development of children's and other facilities in Clare.
The Festival will be targeted at a family audience, who can  be confident of a safe and secure environment.
The Festival will be accessible to all, in a location accessible to all.
The Festival will reflect the capacity of the venue and the town.
The Festival will actively promote and encourage local business.
The Committee will seek to develop the festival concept over time, in line with its success.
The Committee will ensure that the event will comply with relevant regulations.
The Committee will keep the community informed of progress in planning the Festival, and will be open to all suggestions and ideas.
The Committee will seek sponsorship and funding for the festival from, private enterprise, local government and voluntary donations.
The Festival aims to bring people of all ages together to have a highly enjoyable time in Clare.

CWMF Management team

The first meeting of the CWMF management after the 2005 festival saw some significant changes to the management team.

Steve Thomson stood down as Chairman, and Howard Jackson, Martin Walker and Sherry Wilson also left the team due to work committments. David Flory took over the Chair with Sheila Reynolds as Vice Chairman. New members to join the team are Jackie Green, Pauline Brown, Graham Manning and Steve Bryant.

CWMF constantly need extra help to ensure the ongoing success of the festival. If you think you can help in any way, why not become a 'Friend of the Festival'.

Current  management:
David Flory   
Jackie Green 
Steve Bryant   
Steve Blake    
Sheila Reynolds
Graham Manning           
Paul Cooper 
Pauline Brown  
Tom Donnelly
James Donnelly    
Chair, Design & production, music co-ordinator
Sponsorship and other income.
Promotions & Media
Bar manager and Licensee
Vice Chair, Sponsorship,
Finance & stage manager
Local organisation liaison