Labeled with IRCA

I am sorry to have to tell you that there will not be a Clare World Music Festival this year. This is the result of two major factors.

Firstly it has proven impossible to get a committee of any size together this year for all of the necessary workload. As a result of this, we were hoping to work with a contractor who would take on the work of finding the bands, arranging the stage, park, licenses etc on a fee/income basis, but these negotiations have fallen through as he is not able to achieve this in time, and also there was some doubt as to our requirements and standards being met, at least for this year.

I know that majority of you are extremely supportive of the festival and understand and appreciate the amount of work required and the high standards that we have achieved to date, and so I’m sure that you will agree with me that, regrettably, this is the right and only decision. The event is a £60,000+ undertaking, and the risk of losses is high, and so is not taken on lightly.

The current plan is to leave the actual organisation and support in place as CWMF, with the current directors, and continue to maintain the website and accounts etc. However we are down to minimal financial assets at this time, and so this may change as the year progresses.

It may well be possible to consider organising some events later in the year, or early 2008 as partial compensation, and as a way of raising some funds to maintain this infrastructure.

If anybody, individuals or organisations, are interested in taking on the festival organisation, we would be happy to meet with you and help you in any way we can. Please contact